March 03, 2010


I know I just posted stories but here are 2 quick updates on her "growing up" post :

Preschool: Today we stopped by her old classroom to pick up some of her stuff that was still there and to drop off gifts for her teachers. The plan was to stop by and then take her to preschool. We were in her old classroom about 2 minutes and she was already saying, "Come on mommy, lets go to preschool!" She said hi to her old friends and they were happy to see her. She looked at them and said, "I'm not staying, I'm in preschool now!" Guess she made the transition just fine!

The 5 "W's": This morning when getting ready to leave, Brooke was non-stop talking. I called her Chatty Cathy and she said, "whats that?" I told her it means she likes to talk a lot and she replied,
"I have A LOT of questions!" (Yes, Brooke, you do :)

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