April 08, 2009

I'm missing something...

Sorry, no pics right now, but I do have a few funny stories to share. We took Brooke's 2 yr pictures today and her birthday is Saturday, so I will have plenty of pics to post soon!

Brooke's new phrase is: "I'm missing something..." usually it is her security blanket or her "binkie" but she won't ever tell us what it is. Sometime its a toy or whatever she decides she is looking for! It's really funny to hear!

Tonight Jason was tickling Brooke and she kept saying, "save me,mommy, save me!" (I've told her before that I will save her from daddy's HORRIBLE tickle attacks), so I "saved" her and picked her up and walked away..as we did this, she blurts, "your back is hurting." My back was fine, but I must say that a lot when I pick her up! (She's quite heavy these days!)

We had parent-teacher conferences at day care tonight. Its nice that the have them even in day care and her teachers are wonderful, so we always enjoy hearing their stories as well. They told us that Brooke teaches the other kids in her class things (she's younger than them) and the best was they asked us what pets we have, with great curiosity. We told them 2 dogs and a cat and they told us that Brooke has told them that she has a turkey at home and a horse! They thought maybe we had a farm!!!! She may have been referring to her play horse she can ride, who knows! Apparently she has told them multiple times about the turkey! The only thing I can think of is that we have a paper turkey that she made around Thanksgiving time hanging on our fridge, so maybe that's what she means..who knows!

She continues to amaze us and make us laugh constantly! Pictures coming soon....


Oliver said...

Too funny! How funny that she told all the day care kids about your horse and your turkey!!

Emily LB said...

Supposedly I used to make up stories a lot when I was a kid too...my parents thought it was fine until, when I was 4, I told my preschool teachers that my parents left me home to babysit Mark and Jaime while they went on vacation...better watch that girl! Happy Birthday Brooke!