Saturday we celebrated Brooke's 2nd birthday. She had a wonderful time at her party and we were very lucky to get to spend it with all of her Grandparents and Great Grandparents as well as her Aunt Arianne. She was so excited before everyone got to our house, she kept walking around saying, "I'm ready for my party!" and getting upset that we weren't leaving for her party. She didn't quite get that the party was coming to her! In the picture to the left, she is literally waiting at the door for her party!
Below are a sample of pictures from the party. Click HERE to see more of them!
Brooke absolutely loved having all of her grandparents there. When she woke up from her nap, she asked Grandpa Stuart where all the grandpas went!
looks like she's flirting with "the grandpas" at the table!! we missed being with her to celebrate :(
We missed her other Aunts and Uncles too. I told you when we said your name from the card, she got excited and looked for you, like you may be there! I thought she looked like she was flirting, too. (I think she was!)
I can tell that Brooke is one loved little girl! How great that all her grandparents were able to come celebrate.
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