Presents! She woke up Christmas morning and looked at them and said, "they're ALL mine!" The day after Christmas, after we ate breakfast, she said, "I open presents!"

Cows! Grandpa and Daddy took her on a ranger ride to go see the cows..she is still talking about it!

Cows! Grandpa and Daddy took her on a ranger ride to go see the cows..she is still talking about it!
Running! She had a blast playing with all of her Boyer cousins and exclaimed, "I running, I running!" as they ran all over the house!
Jewelry! This was just one of many times trying on jewelry with Grandma and Aunt Arianne.
Biscuits! She had fun helping Grandma bake biscuits (and enjoyed eating them too!)
Flying! She went "flying" with Uncle Jordan many times (we didn't get a picture of it though)
Great Grandparents! Brooke enjoyed seeing both sets of Great Grandparents and even understood that she has multiple Grandmas and Grandpas!
She was done taking picutres by this one! (I hope that isn't foreshadowing to a future eye roller!)
I think that last one is a classic Jen face. From my experience, that means she probably won't be too bad until she has siblings to roll her eyes at...
I think that would be a classic Stacey face, J, you must be confused!
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