We have not had very good luck with weather this year. First, we had the ice storm which left us with out power for about 48 hours and some people without power for almost a month. Last Monday we had a hail storm with golf ball sized hail, that left over $1000 damage to my car. Thursday we had a torrential thunderstorm that left our entire basement flooded. So, we spent the next 4 days trying to dry out and avoiding the horrible mildew smell that was slowly taking over the house. The basement finally got dried out on Monday and it was a good thing because Wednesday night we found ourselves camped out in it. A "very large" tornado came through Manhattan. Luckily, it did not hit our neighborhood, but it do a lot of damage to the town and the University. Here is a few pictures I took of the damage.
This used to be the True Value Hardware Store!
Here is a link to a video of the actual tornado. What the announcer is saying is what we were listening to on the radio as it went through. Keep in mind when you are listening, we live on the West side of town!
Here is a link to pictures from the damage. Click on photos to see more pictures of the damage.
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