September 28, 2009

Just for Laughs!

So, I've had some complaints lately that my blog is boring...SORRY! It's certainly not because our lives are boring right now and definitely not because Brooke is boring! I just haven't caught her latest on video/camera lately. So, hopefully this won't be boring. I was looking through some old videos the other day and found this one of Brooke laughing. She was about 3-4 months old. I love it because it sounds just like her laugh now! The second one is from the other night when I was trying to get a good laughing video of her (best done by one of daddy's tickle-attacks!) Enjoy!

September 23, 2009

St. Louis Visit

We had a nice visit in St. Louis this weekend to celebrate Mommy and Aunt Jen's birthday and to celebrate Rosh Hashana. Brooke enjoyed spending time with all her family and some friends. Since she is in a big girl bed at home and way to big for her pack-n-play, we decided to get her a travel bed. She absolutely loved it and was very excited about her "bacation bed!" and she slept great on it!
Below is Brooke helping Grandma cook for dinner Saturday night.

..and a little coloring...

Playing with Gabriel

While in St. Louis, we got to have a nice visit with Stacey and Gabriel. Brooke and Gabriel had a fun time playing together.

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Thursday I had a nice surprise when I got home from work: Brooke and Daddy had baked me a cake for my birthday! Brooke was very excited about it and told me, "We baked you a cake ALL by ourselves!"

We then got to go to St.Louis to celebrate with Aunt Jen. Whenever we asked Brooke who's birthday it was she would say, "mommy's and aunt jen's!" She was excited about more cake too!

September 07, 2009


Grandpa Stuart and Grandma Barb came to visit this weekend. Brooke ended up with an ear infection but was still able to enjoy watching the Missouri Tigers and playing with Grandma and Grandpa. She only felt bad for about a day and is already back to normal!
Grandpa, Brooke and Daddy in there tiger shirts!

Building a tower as tall as she is!

September 02, 2009

Visit to KC

A few weekends ago (I've lost track!) we went to KC to see some friends Saturday night and then we got to see Oliver's new house (and his mom and dad!) Brooke got to spend Saturday night with her Aunt Arianne while Jason and I went out. Below are some pics of Brooke and Oliver.
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, these are literally the only 2 pictures on my camera from the last 3-4 weeks. Guess we haven't been doing anything too exciting! Grandma Nickell came to visit this weekend and she and Brooke had a great time, but no pictures were taken. The "big girl bed" update is that it is still going great. She still won't get out of bed until she calls for us to come in her room! I hope all of her transitions go this smoothly!

Giving Oliver a hug!