March 21, 2009
Climb, Climb, Climb...
Aunt Jen and Uncle Dave Visit be
Aunt Jen and Brooke had fun playing "veterinarian." Here is a short video of Brooke playing. I experimented with splicing some videos together so it is a little longer, but there were cute parts of all of them I didn't want to leave out!
March 16, 2009
A baby cow is called ...
Answer: A Calf
Brooke's Answer: "Brookey!!"
Grandma and Grandpa Nickell named one of their baby calf's Brooke this spring because it was born on the 11th of last month. They emailed us pictures of her (see below) and Brooke LOVES looking at them. Now every time she sees a calf (which happens often around here, on journals, at the vet school, etc), she says, "it's Brookey!" Tonight when we were reading her animal book, I asked her what the baby cow was called and her answer was of course, "Brookey!" I'm slightly concerned my daughter identifies herself with a calf so much, but I'm sure she'll be fine!
Brooke's Answer: "Brookey!!"
Grandma and Grandpa Nickell named one of their baby calf's Brooke this spring because it was born on the 11th of last month. They emailed us pictures of her (see below) and Brooke LOVES looking at them. Now every time she sees a calf (which happens often around here, on journals, at the vet school, etc), she says, "it's Brookey!" Tonight when we were reading her animal book, I asked her what the baby cow was called and her answer was of course, "Brookey!" I'm slightly concerned my daughter identifies herself with a calf so much, but I'm sure she'll be fine!
March 09, 2009
This is for Uncle Jason: I'm trying real hard to grow some hair! Mom and Dad are constantly telling me that broccoli, turkey, yogurt, (a different food each meal, it seems!) makes my hair grow long and pretty! I know its still not much, but the other night after my bath, my hair actually looked a little longer and it was curling too! Maybe by my third birthday...

March 06, 2009
The Joy of a 2 year old!
I'll start with the bad: 90% of the time, she is a very happy, easy child, but in the last week, the other 10% of the time, meal times, are a true battle of wills. We will give Brooke her food and she will push it away and say, "I no want it." We won't give in to her so she'll just sit there and cry until she decides to eat or we finally find what she is willing to eat. Its VERY frustrating because we know it has nothing to do with her hunger. I think it mostly has to do with her wanting to have control. Today I ended up putting her down for her nap without eating a bite for lunch, but she was falling asleep at the table so I didn't think we were going to get anywhere!
Okay, now the good (which definitely outweighs the bad, luckily!): Brooke is SO much fun these days and always saying something new to amaze us! Here are a few examples from today alone:
"Pull my sleeves down, mommy!" when I changed her into a short-sleeve shirt for the first time this year..she didn't quite get it!
"He needs lotion, now." while she was watching me give Bo a bath and I told her I was rinsing out the shampoo. (she knows her bath routine!)
"Allie eat the ladybug" when I asked her why she thought Allie snuck outside (and we had just "saved" a ladybug from inside our house)
She "helped" me give the dogs a bath today. Her job was to hold the shampoo. She sat on the stool and held it the whole time (see above pic). She took her job very seriously! Below is a video of her talking. I have been trying to get some good video but I still don't have my memory card so can only take one at a time. This is a pretty good representation of her non-stop banter these days!
March 03, 2009
Blog Makeover!
While Brooke was watching Dora today, I was playing around on my laptop and found this great website( to customize your blog. So, now I've spent half of nap time "playing" with my blog instead of being productive! I love the way it turned out though and have always hated the boring, generic look of the blog. Plus, I was kind of proud of myself that I figured out how to do it! (It was pretty simple, but still..) Hope you like it! (I will post some pics soon :)
I also added a new feature: followers! I know that more than just Sue and Mom follow my please join. I love knowing people actually look at all this hard work!
I also added a new feature: followers! I know that more than just Sue and Mom follow my please join. I love knowing people actually look at all this hard work!
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