February 29, 2008

Being Silly!

Here are a few videos of me being silly tonight.

Playing Peek-A-Boo

I didn't want my sweet potatoes tonight!

February 20, 2008

Uncles and Aunt Visit!

Aunt Jen, Uncle Dave and Uncle Jason came to visit me last weekend..we had lots of fun!

Uncle Dave likes to flip me upside down!
He also taught me all about computers.

I had fun reading books with Aunt Jen!

I had fun with Uncle Jason too!


Here I am at my swimming lessons..I love to swim!

February 10, 2008

More dancing

Here's a picture from today where you can really see my two bottom teeth (and my pretty smile!) There is also another video of me dancing..I was really jammin'!

February 06, 2008

Grandparents Visit!

My grandma and grandpa Nickell came to visit this weekend. We had a great visit!


I am starting to feed myself more (mostly bananas!) and daddy figured out that I like pickles this weekend!